An Ancient Earth-based Practice

There is a community of the spirit,
Join it and feel the delight...
Open your hands
If you want to be held.
Sit down in this circle
Flow down down down in always
Widening rings of being.

The art of being in Circle or Council is an ancient, cross-cultural practice and a modern technology that calls all life forms to gather together in harmonious community, valuing each voice and the welfare of all members. This non-hierarchical and sacred form comes to us from our indigenous ancestors, many of whose descendants are still living in community with the circle at the center of daily life. It is also based on the cycles of the nature world. As we see our reflection in nature it provides a natural mirror for our essential nature. Come and rekindle your connection to this ancient practice and be part of calling the circle back into our lives and communities.

Circle Practices Include:

  • -Deep listening, mirroring and witnessing
  • -Personal, group and global visioning
  • -Connection with the larger earth community
  • -Creating a trusting, creative and diversified environment
  • -Earth-based ceremony and the medicine wheel
  • -Rotating and shared leadership
  • -Being a carrier of council in our lives
  • -Solo time on the land

To listen a soul into disclosure
and discovery is the greatest service
one human being can do for another.
– a Quaker saying




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